
Finally Lighten Your Load

Lisa Liguori

Recently I’ve felt like I’m drowning in clutter. I have masses of digital photos, bins of old greeting cards, and stacks of papers growing around me. 

When I walk into my house I feel uneasy, whereas I’d like to feel peaceful. But the thought of tackling a huge decluttering project has been so overwhelming that I’ve procrastinated.  

However, I want to head into 2022 feeling “reset” and organized, so I started asking friends how they broke through the “clutter barrier.”

In doing so, I heard amazing stories of how decluttering their outer environment completely transformed their inner world. For example, one friend shared that once he created physical space in his office new business ideas came to him! 

I was so inspired by these stories that I’m finally tackling the decluttering project that has hung over my head for decades. If you are feeling burdened by clutter and are ready for a fresh start, please enjoy a spark of motivation from the powerful stories and tips gathered for you in this episode. I can’t wait to hear how your life shifts as you lighten your load!

Sending you lots of love and warmest wishes this magical season,
PS – I’ve put together a list of great questions to use when deciding what to keep or shed. If you’d like a copy, LMK and I’ll send it right over.

1 Comment

  1. Tire Agent

    Great content! Keep up the good work!


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