
Sick of hearing about goal-setting?

Advice Column

Hey friend,

How many newsletters have you recently received urging you to change your mindset, set goals, make 2023 successful, buy someone’s program so this year can be different, etc.?

You’ve been INUNDATED with these messages if your inbox and social feeds are anything like mine!

I am all for goal-setting. But some years the process is so overwhelming that I don’t even start. 

Staring at a blank page and feeling stuck, I asked friends and colleagues how they answer such a big question as, “What do I want for my life?” 

While it was a common experience to feel “analysis-paralysis” when choosing goals, many people also shared how they worked through it. 

If you’re feeling a little “meh” about goal-setting this year, check out the latest episode of Advice Column for encouragement and practical tips. 

With love,


PS – Advice Column is a nonprofit 501c3. We never sell any products or programs, and are delighted to have you in our community. Happy New Year!


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