
Could You Have Our Next Topic?

Lisa Liguori

Hi! We’re so glad you’re here.
We truly believe we’re better together. Please enjoy the useful links below!

Checking in

It’s been a couple of months since we published Episode one, “Your Life Was Disrupted, Now What?” In case you missed it, you can listen to the episode here. Which stories resonated with you the most and which solutions did you find the most helpful? What are your go-to methods to ground yourself during moments of disruption, especially when it means life is taking you in a different direction?

Stories in The World

Life can disrupt us at any moment, no matter who we are. Here is the story of Anisha Sunuwar, who was able to find a path for her future amidst a hard year of remote learning during a pandemic while being a caretaker for her mom.

So, what do you think?

We are always looking for people who are interested in submitting a topic for a future podcast. Do you have a story of an experience you want to share? Send us an email and you could be our next panelist!

Thanks for joining us. We’re better together.
Lots of love,

Lisa & Your friends at The Advice Column Podcast


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