
You Ready to LIGHTEN Up?

Advice Column

Hi friend,

Happy Spring!

Do you love blooming flowers, fragrant air, and a fresh start?

After the winter season of darker days, I get excited when I see color popping up everywhere. It also gives me the happy impulse to lighten, refresh, and reset.

Do you have seasonal traditions like Spring Cleaning?

If you’re thinking about decluttering, you may feel as intimidated to start as I do. I find that figuring out what my filtering system will be is most of the battle, though.

To reduce my overwhelm, I created a list of questions to use as my decision-making criteria. Check it out to help you lighten your load.

I believe we’re better together and appreciate you sharing the journey with me!


Lisa and The Advice Column Team

P.S. If you’re looking for even more decluttering inspiration, check out our podcast episode “Break Free from Clutter.”


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