
Are You Angry?

Lisa Liguori

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From the Podcast

Here at The Advice Column Podcast, we believe that experience sharing is greater than giving advice. When giving advice, we assume the person we are advising fits into the same life stage as us, that they process feelings and events in the same way, and that their other circumstances are the same. The ways that we solve problems and handle experiences are influenced by many factors, including those above. This is one of the reasons we believe in experience sharing. It allows a person to hear what worked for someone else, and take the pieces that fit into their unique world. It also offers encouragement that they are not alone. Check out our most recent podcast episode, where we dive a little further into, “why experience sharing?” and how to avoid the pitfalls of advice-giving.


Do you ever find yourself wondering about how you handle negative emotions? You aren’t alone. We all struggle with anger and frustration sometimes. The creators of the 5 Love Languages put together this assessment on anger; are you handling yours or is it handling you? Spend a few minutes taking this assessment to learn more about the ways you handle anger and some new techniques!

We are always looking for people who are interested in submitting a topic for a future podcast. Do you have a story of an experience you want to share? Send us an email and you could be our next panelist!
Thanks for joining us. We’re better together.
Lots of love,

Lisa & Your friends at The Advice Column Podcast


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