
Do People Even Like You?

Lisa Liguori

Hi! We’re so glad you’re here.
We truly believe we’re better together. Please enjoy the useful links below!

On the Podcast

In episode three, “Nobody Likes Your Content” we talk about how it feels when you have something you are passionate about sharing, but you can’t get people to listen. Are you feeling frustrated or discouraged that your work isn’t getting traction? We have been there, and so have our panelists! Hear from them as they help you to stay motivated, reframe your thoughts, and most of all, know you aren’t alone

Stories in the World

Dreaming big is fun, but feeling as though your dreams aren’t going anywhere can be tough. It can leave you feeling lost and embarrassed. Amy Sherald, artist and Michelle Obama Portraitist, tells people, “the dream is free but the hustle is sold separately”. Learn what inspires her (in under 2 minutes!) by checking out her story here.

Share YOUR experience for our next podcast

When was the last time you were in a slump in an area of your life? How did you get yourself “un-slumped”? Help others by sharing your story now at www.ShareMyStory.org. Turn your difficult situation and what you learned from it into support for others!

*NOTE: Experience-Shares need to be recorded and submitted by August 25
Thanks for joining us. We’re better together.
Lots of love,

Lisa & Your friends at The Advice Column Podcast

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