
The Impact of Thankfulness

Advice Column

Mayo Clinic research proved that “feeling thankful can improve sleep, mood, and immunity. Gratitude can decrease depression, anxiety, difficulties with chronic pain, and risk of disease.”

With Thanksgiving approaching, we thought November might be a fun time to refresh our gratitude practices. To help, the team brainstormed some ways to do that.  

  1. Get up a few minutes early to enjoy quiet time alone and journal 10 things you are thankful for.
  2. When you go to bed each night, lull yourself to sleep listing as many things as you can that you’re grateful for. 
  3. Each day write down on a sticky note one person or thing you’re thankful for and why. Be as specific as possible. Then place the notes in different places around your home. At the end of the month, be amazed at how gratefulness and positivity have spread throughout your space. (This can be a fun activity to do as a family or household, too.)
  4. Text, email, or write a note to one person each day telling them how thankful you are for them. If someone special to you has passed away, you could write a note “to them” as a journal entry.
  5. If you are visual, try this. On a calendar, sketch a symbol of something you are thankful for in each daily box. Try not to repeat any icons. 

We’d love to hear and share your ideas, too. Let us know your favorite way to practice gratitude.


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