
Time to Play

Advice Column

Hi friend,

When was the last time you played

National Play Outside Day was on August 5th, and it got us thinking about play and how we, as full-grown adults, can miss playing.

What do we mean by this?

Playing involves doing something without a set purpose of working toward a goal or achievement. And although it is a GREAT thing to work toward goals, it can also be so wonderful, fulfilling, and freeing to have space in our life for things that just bring us joy and are not for a specific purpose. Just like when we were kids. 

Some examples could be: coloring, walking barefoot in the grass, having a water fight, or swinging!

What are some examples you can come up with?

Today we’re going to take a little extra time to play and do something just for fun. If you’re able, we’d encourage you to do the same!

We’re so glad you’re here. We’re better together.


The Advice Column Team


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