
What’s your addictive behavior helping you to avoid?

Lisa Liguori

Hi friend,

Do you ever find yourself feeling uncomfortable with negative emotions? Whether it is anger, sadness, or anxiety about an experience, you just want to bury yourself in something else so you don’t have to feel it. We get it.  Most of us have been taught to give the world our best all the time. We’ve been surrounded by quotes about having a positive mindset and looking for the silver lining, but we’ve been taught not to experience the hard feelings. Here’s the thing; it’s great to have a positive outlook! But not at the expense of experiencing our full range of emotions. 

In our most recent podcast episode, Lisa switches from the normal panelist format to dive deep with Dr. Natacha Nelson. Listen along as they talk in-depth about their experiences with avoiding emotions. Dr. Nelson shares her expertise when it comes to caring for yourself and avoiding addictive behaviors.

We hope it reaches you right where you need it.

Thanks for joining us. We’re better together.

The Advice Column Team


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