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Dear Friend,

Sometimes I look in the mirror and focus on the deepening wrinkles across my face. Other times I notice that I move slower on the tennis court than I used to. I imagine the future and what it will feel like to ride the rest of this curve.

If you’re like me, you may occasionally feel “blue” when you consider how little time you have here. Even if we are very fortunate, it won’t be long until we’re looking back on our nearly-completed lives and taking stock.

I know what I hope I will be able to say at that time.

  1. I have a great relationship with my Creator and feel peaceful about what will come next.
  2. I’ve used my unique combination of resources, talents, skills, passions and experiences to make life better for others (especially those I’m closest to).
  3. I’ve had beautiful relationships and reveled in the joy of the journey.

When I start to feel sad about having finite days, I try to remember that until my last breath I can still be useful. Thankfully wrinkles don’t prevent me from sharing an encouraging word with a struggling friend or from handing my jacket to someone living on the street in the cold.

But right now I long for clarity on just how to be maximally useful. I think having a sharper definition of that would help me organize my time, find satisfaction in a focused pursuit, and see the difference I might make.

For that reason, I’m going into the locker room for “halftime.” In sports, halftime is that pause at the midpoint of the game to assess how it’s going. It’s a break to make plans for playing the next period even better than the first.

In life, as I take time “off the field,” I’ll be meeting periodically (through Halftime Institute) with a small group of people who are asking a similar question, “How do I use what’s at my disposal to make the impact I’m on this earth to create?”

I wanted to share because as I take this break I don’t plan to podcast as frequently. And I may write to you a little less often. But with your permission, I’d love to stay in touch. At a monthly(-ish) cadence, I’d like to share my journey, hear about yours, and continue learning with you.

In the meantime, I hope you are thriving!

With love,
