When it’s better to be a frog

When it’s better to be a frog

Hi Friend, There was a frog who dreamed of becoming a prince. He’d imagine THE kiss, the transformation, the people he’d reign over when he had legs, and the glory he’d enjoy. One day, a princess finally laid one on him, and BINGO! He got his wish. In a...
You are building cathedrals

You are building cathedrals

A man walked along a dusty construction site and saw three rugged men who were all laboring hard at the same task. Sweat dripped from their foreheads and soaked into their shirts while they toiled in the heat.As he came to the first, he asked, “What are you doing?”The...
Taking it on Faith

Taking it on Faith

Hello Friend, Do you ever drive past a construction site on your commute, and it looks like virtually nothing is happening week after week? Then suddenly, you pass by one day and the home or building is up! My friend (and podcast co-host), Justin, pointed that out. A...
Slow is Fast

Slow is Fast

Hello friend, I was strapped into the back right seat of a helicopter fuselage which was dangling from a giant crane over a deep-water pool. My heart raced 172 beats per minute as I waited for the whole thing to be plunged into the water and flipped upside down. From...
When your demons come

When your demons come

“In the darkest hour when your demons come, call on me brother and we will fight them together.”   -Author Unknown Hello friend, A contributor to the podcast shared this quote. It gives me chills as it reminds me of the power we humans have in one another’s...